William Cannon
Static Wall Sit, Bench Stepping.
Record for William Cannon are displayed below:
Bench Stepping
Bench Stepping: 5 inch step box: 25 lb. back pack: 18,061 times. William Cannon. 12-14, March, 2022, covering an 18 hour period. Westbourne Centre, Barrhead, U.K.
Stationary cycle: 36 hours: 10 Kg (22 Lb) backpack. William Cannon. March 24-26, 2023. 5 minute per hour break was included and the cycling was free-wheeling with no resistance. Venue, Glasgow Airport, Scotland UK.
Leg Press (Unaided)
Leg Press (Unaided): 1,120 Kg (2,470 lbs.): William Cannon. 29 September, 2021, Anytiime Fitness Gym, Scotland.
Longest Stationary Bike
Willaim Cannon cycled on a stationary bike for 35 hours from 9am wednesday 6th November to 12pm sunday 10th November, 2019 while carrying a 25lb weight on his back, Venue: Debra Charity Shop, Westbourne Centre, Barrhead, UK.
Sled Push
Sled Push: 805 Kg: 41 cm. William Cannon. On Dec. 8, 2024, William Cannon pushed an 805 Kg sled a distance of 41 cm at the Inspire Gym, Barrhead, Scotland.
Category: Furthest Distance to Push an 805 Kg Sled.
Static Wall Sit
Static Wall Sit (Samson's Chair): 13 h 30 m 11 s. William Cannon. 27-28 June, 2021. Barony Universal, Riverside Way, Irvine, Scotland. (Note: William held the previous record at 12 h 1 m 3 s.)
Stationary Cycle
Stationary Cycle: Free Wheeling (No resistance): 186 hours. William Cannon. Starting 8 March, 2021, to 15 March, 2021, William Cannon free wheeled on a turbo bike a total of 186 consecutive hours. The event was for Debra Charity and occurred at Barony Universal, 5 Ricerside Way, Irvine, Scotland, UK.
Step Ups with Back Pack
The most step ups with a 35lb back pack using a 8 inche step box is 9,000. This was achieved in 8 hours at the Debra Charity Shop, Barrhead, UK on 11th May, 2019.