Record Name | Record Description |
100 Hot Water Bottles Blown and Burst
100 Hot Water Bottles Blown and Burst in one session. BS1970, 2 litre bottles used. Foot note to 100 records within to be added with time for each 1-100. Date: Sept 30th, 2011. Venue: Forum, Norwich,UK
3x Hot Water Bottle Burst Upside Down on Head
3x Hot Water Bottle Burst Upside Down on Head. Time: 37.04 secs. Billing Aquadrome, Billing, Northampton on March 26th 2011.
Fastest Time to Blow Up and Burst 3BS Hot Water Bottles
Fastest Time to Blow Up and Burst 3BS Hot Water Bottles with lung power only. Time: 28.82 secs.
Heaviest Most Weight Squat Lifted
Heaviest Most Weight Squat Lifted.Time: 24 hours. Most:480,690kgs. Date: Dec,2nd, 2011. Venue: Castle Mall, Norwich, UK.
Heaviest Most Weight Squat Lifted
Heaviest Most Weight Squat Lifted. Time: 48 hours. Most: 576,745kg. Date: Dec 2nd-4th 2011. Venue: Castle Mall, Norwich, UK. This was a fund raising event for Macmillian Cancer Support Charity.
Heaviest Weight Lifted From Standing
Heaviest Weight Lifted from Standing Pressed. Time: 1 min. Most: 2,570.4kgs.
Hot Water Bottle
Hot Water Bottle: Blown to Burst: 5.8 seconds. Shaun Jones. HWB = BS1970:2006.
Hot Water Bottle
Hot Water Bottle: Blown to Burst: Standing on Head: 8.9 seconds. Shaun Jones. HWB = BS1970:2006.
Hot Water Bottle
Hot Water Bottle: 5 Blown to Burst: 3 min 52 seconds. Shaun Jones. HWB = BS1970:2006.
Hot Water Bottle Burst
Hot Water Bottle Burst. Most: 6. Time: 2 min 0.19 secs. Note: The last bottle was burst upside down. HWB=BS 1970:2006
Hot Water Bottle Burst on Spin Cycle
Hot Water Bottle Burst on Spin Cycle with mininum 20mph speed. Time: 15.18 secs. Venue: Forum, Norwich, UK. Date: July 2nd, 2011.
Squats with Weight
Most Weight Lifted with Squat. Time: 1 hour. Most: 65,088kg
Squats. Lifting with Hot Water Bottle
Squat Lifting and Bursting Hot Water Bottle at the Same Time.17.66 secs.HWB=BS 1970:2006
Squats. Weight
Squat Lifting.Most: 46,798 kg. Time: 1 hour. Shaun Jones
Sumo Dead Lifts
Sumo Dead Lifts. Time: 1 hour. Most: 50,547.20kgs. Venue: Forum, Norwich, UK. Date: July 2nd 2011.