Record Name | Record Description |
360 degree Beermat Flip
360 degree Beermat Flip. Most: 27. Date: 7th August 2018 for TV's Outrageous Stunts Show.
Described as the impossible flip.
Beer Mat Catching in Back of Hand
Beer Mat Catching in Back of Hand. From a single stack of beermats, 200 were balanced on elbow and with one movement were caught in the back of hand from same arm. They were held for several seconds afterwards. Dean has very bendy hands/fingers that curl up that makes this record as he quoted, the best catching record he has ever done. Date: 15th Sep, 2014. Venue: Peewit Caravan Park, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK.
Beer Mat Flicking
Beermat Flicking with middle finger only. 44 off the top of a bottle. Date: 4th july, 2015. Venue: Felixstowe TV, Felixstowe Suffolk, UK.
Beermat Catching
Beermat Catching: Off Elbow: Palm Up: 402 Single Stack. Dean Gould. Felixstowe, UK on July 12th 2006. Venue: Felixstowe TV.
Beermat Catching
Beermat Catching.
The most Beermats balanced on elbow and caught palm up is 2,390.
This was achieved by using a interlocking stacking system on a table prior with no adhesive,.
The stack was loaded on elbow by Dean himself. Once balanced the stack droped and was caught palm up and held in one hand for at least 5 seconds, Other hand,arm or body never touched or helped with the catch.
This was filmed and seen on TV' Record Breakers Show on October 22nd, 2000.
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Speed Flipping. Most: 1,000: Time: 28.02 seconds. Date: 4th Oct, 2013. Venue: Royal British Legion, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK.
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping: Blindfolded: Most: 71. Dean Gould. Date: March 4th, 2009.
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping: Each Hand: 65 total 130. Dean Gould. Feathers Public House, Felixstowe, UK on March 16th, 1987
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping: Off Bottle: Most: 46. Dean Gould. Felixstowe, UK on 31st july 2019. Venue: Cork Bar, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. This was filmed by Digi Day Publisher for for big media Facebook.
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping: Off Table: One Hand: Most: 114 one single pile in one go.. Venue: Felixstowe TV, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. Date: 22nd july, 2010, This was achieved after 12 attempts which Dean has achieved that total on 5 occasions.
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping: Two fingers: Blindfolded: 36. Dean Gould. The Wire Mill Public house, Surrey UK
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping off top of Bottle and picking bottle up at same time with same hand. Most: 22.
Venue: Cork Bar, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. Date: 31st july, 2019. This was filmed by Digi Day Publisher for for Facebook.
Beermat Flipping
Beermat Flipping Speed to total. Dean flipped beermats to 49 by flipping one from table and adding one each time to make total in a time of 2 minutes. Venue: The Townhouse Bar and Kitchen, Southend, Essex, UK. Date: 2nd April, 2019.
Beermat Flipping
The most Beermats flipped with LEFT hand from table in one pile is 90.
Venue: The Feathers Pub.Walton, Felixtowe, Suffolk, UK. Date: 12th March, 1987.
Beermat Flipping (Most in 60 secs)
Beermat Flipping. Time: 60 secs. Most: 2200 from pile of 40 mats. Date:4th nov, 2011. Venue: Orwell Hotel, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK On Felixstowe TV
Beermat Flipping off Bottle
Beermat Flipping off Bottle (Blindfolded)Most:20 with picking bottle up at same time.
Venue: Felixstowe TV, Orwell Hotel, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. Date: 21st April 2011.
Beermat Flipping off held mat.
Beermat Flipping. Most Flipped off held Mat. 40. Date: Dec 11th. BBC TV, The One Show. Venue: Harry's Bar, Wigan, UK.
Beermat Flipping with Two Fingers
Beermat Flipping with two fingers. Most: 50. Date: 28th Dec, 2012. Venue: Royal British Legion, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK.
Beermat Snatching
Beermat Snatching off Elbow palm down. Most: 116. Venue: Olympia, London. Date: 16th Aug, 2012. This was beaten for Outrageous Stunts TV Show aired 7th August 2018 with a total of 118
Beermat Snatching
Beermat Snatching: Off 2 Elbows: Most: 120 (60 in each pile). Dean Gould. Felixstowe, UK on July 27th 2007
Brick Flipping
Brick Flipping (4.5 lb. brick)
12 bricks consecutively: 11.52 sec. Dean Gould.
Brick Flipping
Brick Flipping. 20 (4.5lb) bricks consecutively. Time: 35 secs. Dean Gould.
CD Flipping
CD Flipping. Most: 46
CD Flipping Blindfolded
CD Flipping Blindfolded. Most: 31.
Coin Catching
Dean Gould UK caught 94 1 pence coins which were balanced on the back of his hand. The coins were caught from same hand palm up. Venue: Cork Bar, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. Date: 4th November, 2019.
Coin Flipping
Coin Flipping: Most Tails: 2 Minutes: 39. Dean Gould, CRB. Cork Bar, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. 3rd March, 2023.
Coin Snatching
Coin Snatching: 100% clean catch no drops: 100 10 pence. Dean Gould. The Cork Hotel, Felixstowe, UK on July 2nd 1997
Coin Snatching
Coin Snatching: From elbow: 2 pence: 212. Dean Gould. BBC TV Studios, London, on Sport Relief,Johnny Vegas TV Show Runner Round, on July 3rd 2003
Coin Snatching
Coin Snatching: Most from forearm to downward palm: 328 uk 10 pence pieces. Dean Gould. Felixstowe, UK on June 8th 1993 Note: More were stacked that droped and were not counted and a interlocking stacking system used but no adhesive,
Coin Snatching
Coin Snatching: One Pence: Most: 374. Dean Gould. Edinbrough, Scotland at Burger King Resturant on February 24th 2002, Note: More were stacked that droped but were not counted and a interlocking stacking system used but no adhesive.
Coin Snatching
Coin Snatching. Traditional way with one single pile of 2 pence coins and all coins caught. Most 40. Also Blindfolded 35 Coins caught. Date: july 11th, 2015. Venue: Felixstowe Library, Suffolk, UK.
Coin Speed Catching
100 Coins were caught palm down from piles balanced on elbow in 1 minute 3 secs
200 Coins were caught palm down from piles balanced on elblow in 2 minutes 7 secs
Dice Catching
Dean Gould UK balanced 14 dice, 12 mm square each on his elbow and caught them with same hand from arm palm up. Venue: Cork Bar, Felixstowe, UK. Date: 4th November, 2019.
Egg Holding
Egg Holding: Back of Hand: Most: 14. Dean Gould. Venue: Charles Manning Amusement Park. Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK on July 5th, 2006,
Jenga Block Catching
Jenga Block Catching: 54. Balanced on forearm and caught palm up. Felixstowe, UK on May 29th 2006. Dean Gould.
Jenga Block Snatching
Jenga Block Snatching. Most: 8 from being balanced on elbow andcatching palm down
Juggling with Most Catches
Juggling with 3 Tennis Balls. Most catches in 1 minute with both hands. 115. Date: july 15th, 2015. Venue: Felixstowe TV, Suffolk, UK.
Match Box Lifting
Dean Gould lifted 4 matches boxes one at a time with two fingers with middle finger keeping contact with table all the time. The match boxes were balanced one at at time on top of a verticle standing match box outer try in a time of 27.66 secs. Venue: Cork Bar, Felixstowe, UK on 4th November, 2019.
Match Box Slight of Hand Turning
Match Box Slight of Hand Turning. Most: 10 turns. Time: 15.22 secs. Date: 2nd Sept, 2011. Venue: Orwell Hotel, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK.
Match Lifting
A pile of 66 matches were balanced on Matchbox inner tray and lifted with index finger and second from little finger with middle finger firmly staying in contact with surface.The tray and matches were successfully put on outer box which was free standing verticle.
Memory: Pi: 1,000 Places: Fastest Time: 8 min 14 sec. Dean Gould. Great Eastern Square, Felixstowe, UK on May 14th 1998. Pi was spoken with no errors, this was recorded and checked by two valid adjudicators who were present.
Memory: Names of Titanic Survivors: 712: Recited in 41 min 23 seconds. Dean Gould. FADOS House, Walton, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. 25, May 2021.
Memory: 712 Titanic survivors: recited from memory in 41 min 23 seconds. FADOS House, Walton, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. Date: 25th May 2021.
Most Beer Mats Flipped one at a time in 30 secs
Most Beer Mats Flipped one at a time in 30 secs. Most: 35. Date: 21st, January, 2015. Venue: Felixstowe Magazine Office, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK.
Pancake Flipping
Pancake Flipping. Most: 424. Time: 2 mins.(One Pancake being flipped).
Pancake Flipping
Pancake Flipping. Two pancake's flipped most times with both hands (Two pans at one time)Using one pancake in each pan. Most: (90 with each hand) = 180. Date: Feb 12th 2009. Venue: John Lewis Store, Oxford Street, London, UK.
Pancake Flipping
Pancake Flipping: Most flips of one pancake in pan in 1 minute. Most: 161 flips. Date july 4th, 2015. Venue: Felixstowe TV, Suffolk, UK.
Pancake Tossing
Pancake Tossing: 100 times: Fastest: 26 seconds. Felixstowe, UK on November 5th 2005. Dean Gould.
Pancake Tossing
Pancake Tossing: 5 minutes: Most: 851 Enjays Resturant, Leeds, UK on Feb 21st 2006. Dean Gould.
Playing Card Flipping Records
Playing Card Flipping Records.
1, Most Playing Cards Flipped from one pile from table: 218.
2, Speed Flipping: Most Flipped from piles in 30 secs: 276.
3. Speed Flipping: Most Flipped from piles in 1 minute: 539
Potato Catching
Potato Catching: Bucket: 100 feet: 10 potatoes: Fastest: 37 sec. Dean Gould, catcher, and Mark Hillman, thrower.
Serial Record Breaker
Serial Record Breaker: 39 years: Dean Gould, CRB. Commander Dean Gould is the longest serial record breaker having began record breaking in December 1984 and continuing through and including 2023, 39 years. Over that span of time Commander Gould has amassed an amazing 59 world records.
Soccer Ball
Soccer Ball: Catching: Back of Hand: Distance: 78 feet 9 inches. Dean Gould.Brackenbury Sports Center Felixstowe, UK on December 11th 2000. Ball kicked by Dave Robinson.
Tennis: Ball Bouncing: Edge of Racquet: 1 minute: 215. The most number of bounces recorded of a tennis ball on the edge of a tennis racquet in 1 minute is 215, by Dean Gould of Felixstowe, Suffolk (UK). June 1999.
Water Bottle Flipping
Water Bottle Flipping: 500 ml: 180 degrees: 1 min: 34. Commander Dean Gould. RHR Headquarters, 25 September, 2023. Bottle flipped from lying at edge of table to 180 degree catch.
Water Bottle Flipping
Water Bottle Flipping: 500 ml: 180 degrees: 10 times: 15.75 seconds. Commander Dean Gould. RHR Headquarters, 25 September, 2023. Bottle flipped from lying at edge of table to 180 degree catch.
Writing Einsteins Equation on Relativity from Memory the Quickest
Writing Einsteins Equation on Relativity the Quickest. Time 65 minutes 3 seconds.
This amazing feat was written from memory which included Einsteins full Equation and extra workings which includes 979 symbols, letters and numbers.
Venue: Brackenbury Sports Centre, Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK. On 4th June, 2016.