Andrew Dalzell Peters

Microsoft Excel


Record for Andrew Dalzell Peters are displayed below:

Record NameRecord Description
Microsoft Excel Macro

Microsoft Excel: Macro: 1,474,336 cells of data. Andrew Dalzell Peters and Sachin Gupta. The file size was 8,333 KB of data, encompassed all of the 1,474,3336 cells of data, and was completed Oct. 14, 2022.

Microsoft Excel Pivot Table

Microsoft Excel: Pivot Table: 1,474,336 cells of data. Andrew Dalzell Peters and Sachin Gupta. The file was 8,333  KB of data and was completed on Oct 14, 2022.

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel: Spreadsheet: 459,657,831 cells of data. Andrew Dalzell Peters and Sachin Gupta. The file was 1,798,373 KB of data and was completed on Oct 14, 2022.