Mark Vallint

Wall Sit


Record for Mark Vallint are displayed below:

Record NameRecord Description
Concrete Block

Concrete Block: 4-inch: Knife Hand Strike. Mark Vallint. Mark broke a 4-inch concrete block using a single martial art 'knife hand strike' technique with the outside edge of his hand.

Sledge Pull

Sledge Pull: 100 KG: 9 Meter track: 42 Lengths: 30 Minutes. Mark Vallint. On 18 May, 2024, Mark Villant completed 42 lengths of a 9 meter track in 30 minutes pulling a 100 Kg weight (60 Kg plate weight on a 40 Kg sledge) while seated using ropes attached to both ends of the sledge. Done at the MW Fitness Personal Training Gynm Carr Hill Industrial Estate Doncaster, witnessed by Mathew Wooliey Personal Trainer and Gym owner.

Category: Most 9 meter pulls of a 100 Kg sledge.

Sledge Push

Sledge Push: 70kg: 8 Meters: 30 minutes. Mark Vallint. On 29 August 2023, Mark Vallint pushed a 70 Kg sledge (40 Kg sledge + 70 Kg added weight) along an 8-meter sledge track continuously for 30 minutes, achieving 77 lengths. MW Fitness Gym, Doncaster, England.

Wall Sit 250 Kg

Wall Sit: 250 Kg: Mark Vallint. On April 2, 2022, Mark Vallint sat with his back against a wall and had 12 weights ranging from 15 to 25 Kg piled upon his thighs every 5-10 seconds until 250 Kg were attained and then held for 3 seconds.

Wall Sit 350kg

Wall Sit: 350 Kg: On 5th June 2023 at Mark's Personal Trainer's private gym in Doncaster, Mark started the Wall Sit with 0 weight and then  various weights from 25kg 20kg 15kg 10kg 5kg were placed on his legs progressively along with weighted heavy 2 sets dumbbells and a weighted 30kg Slam Ball until 360kg weight was reached. 

The Total weight was held for 2 seconds. The weights were then removed progressively

Total time in the Wall Sit 2 minutes 54 seconds.