Record Name | Record Description |
Highest City Civic Honour
Highest City Civic Honour Received by West Indian, 6.
Most Academic Credentials
Most Academic Credentials Earned While Working Full Time.10.
Most Awards Outside Residence
Most Awards received outside residence. (Kitchener) 100.
Most Awards/Recognitions For Community Work
Most Awards/Recognitions For Community Work (200)
Most Awards/Recognitions For Community Work In Diverse Organisations
Most Awards/Recognitions For Community Work In Diverse Organisations 100.
Most Awards/Recognitions For Cultural Work
Most Awards/Recognitions for Cultural Work. 100.
Most Awards/Recognitions For Humanitarianism
Most Awards/Recognitions For Humanitarianism. 100
Most Awards/Recognitions For Philantrophy
Most Awards/Recognitions For Philantrophy. 100.
Most Awards/Recognitions For Volunteerism
Most Awards/Recognitions For Volunteerism: 100.
Most Congratulatory Letter's
Most Congratulatory Letter's From Goverment Officials and Ceo's. 80.
Most Featured Person in Community Awards Booklets
Most Featured Person in Community Awards Booklets. 100
Most Featured Person in Social Media
Most Featured Person in Social Media for Awards Received for Community Work. 13,200.
Most Featured Person on a Projection Screen
Most Featured Person on a Projection Screen during a Awards Ceremony for Awards Received for Community Work (100)
Most Mainstream Awards
Most Mainstream Awards (100)
Most Peace Prize, Guest List and Networking Awards
1) Most Peace Prize - Most Peace Prize Received by a West Indian (3)
2) Most featured person on guest list - Most featured person on guest list for awards received (100)
3) Most networking opportunity - Network with over 10, 000 people during awards ceremonies as the award recipient
Most Rare 1967 Guyana Fifty Cent Coin Collection
Most Rare 1967 Guyana Fifty Cent Coin Collection: 16.
Most Special Awards Invitation Received
"Most special awards invitation received" Received most special invitations to attend events for awards received (100)
Most Top 40 Under Awards Received
Most Top 40 Under Awards Received (2)
Most World Records Received
"Most World Records Received by Guyanese" & "Most World Records Received by a Canadian".
Most World Records Received
"Most World Records Received by Guyanese" & "Most World Records Received by a Canadian". 40.
Six Award Records
1) Most greeted person at most prestigious awards events for awards received – 500
2) Most networking opportunities during award ceremonies for awards received – 500
3) Most published biographies for awards received – 100
4) Most prestigious awards received for Cultural work - 50
Six Record Awards
Most featured person in press release for awards received – 100
Most featured person in community newspapers for awards received – 300
Gave most acceptance speech for community awards received – 100
Sat on most reserved seats during awards presentations for awards received – 100
Most trips attended to receive prestigious awards – 100
Most awards dinners attended as the recipient of the awards - 100