Record Name | Record Description |
Hand Stand
Hand Stand Feet Leaned on Raw Eggs. Time: 45 secs. Date: 6.5.09. Venue: Germany.
Handbo Long Distance Strikes
Handbo Long Distance Strikes. Time: 1 min. Most:116. Date: 10.4.09. Venue: Germany.
Iron Arms
Iron Arms, Red House Bricks. 12x10x5cm Smashed By Sledge Hammer on Forearms. Most: 2. Date: 27.4.06. Venue: Germany.
Kali Double Sinawalli
Kali Double Sinawalli 3 point Stick Rotation Strike Series. Time: 1 min. Most: 78. Date: 14.4.09.
Knife Grip Changing
Knife Grip Changing from Heaven and Earth Grip Position. Time: 1 min. Most: 103. Date: 16.12.08. Venue: Germany.
Nunchaku Cross Swing
Nunchaku Cross Swing Changes over Arm. Time: 1 min. Most: 84. Date: 15.4.09. Venue: Germany.
Push Ups on Raw Eggs
Push Ups on Raw Eggs. Time 10 secs. Most: 12. Date: 6.5.09. Venue: Germany.
Push Ups Straight Arm Position on Raw Eggs
Push Up Straight Arm Position on Raw Eggs with 40kg Back Pack. Time: 1 min. Date: 6.5.09. Venue: Germany. All above records IRHR.
Sharp Knife Breaking on Throat.
Sharp Knife Breaking on Throat with Point in Laryngeul Pit Position with Presure Broken by the Knife Handle End. Time: 30 secs. Date: 18.12.06. Venue: Germany.
Straight Blast Punches.
Straight Blast Punches. Time: 1 min. Most: 254. Date: 25.5.09. Venue: Germany.