Gaido Azza, Darussalam
Muslim Travel Company
Galindo, Ronnie
Balloon Pitching
Gallet, Clement
Rubik’s Cube
Galpin, Alastair
Balancing, Base Balls, Candle Blowing, Clap, Cucumber Snapping, Eating, Egg Crushing, Gift Wrapping, Gloves, Hand Shake, Individual Hair, Largest Cartoon, Pricing Gun, Rhinestones, Rubber Bands, Snails, Socks, Stamp Licking, T Shirts, Underpants, Vinyl Record Smashing, Radio Interviews, Egg shelling, Side Jumps, Massage
Game, Lembit
Blindfolded Beermat Snatch
Gandana, S.STP,. M.Si, H Dadan
Gangstad, Thomas
Ferrero Rocher
Garner, J.
Duckpin Bowling
Garner, M.
Duckpin Bowling
Gauler, Stefan
Gautama Sastra, Waskita
Gavioli, Tazio, "Il Biondo"
Rope Climb: Arms Only: 10 Meters: 14.06 seconds.
Tazio "Il Biondo" Gavioli. March 4, 2018. EXPO fair, Bologna, Italy.

Pull Ups: One Arm: 1 Hour: 220 Pull Ups
Tazio "Il Biondo" Gavioli.
On 10 Nov 2019 Tazio performed 220 one arm pull ups (pronated hand grip), mixed right and left hand, in 1 hour at The Pole Sport & Gymnastics Academy in Medolla (Mod), Italy. Rules state that each pull up be preceded by a dead hang with a fully extended elbow and the chin must pass the bar before returning.
Pull Ups: One Arm: 3 Hours: 422 Pull Ups
Tazio "Il Biondo" Gavioli.
On 10 Nov 2019 Tazio performed 422 one arm pull ups (pronated hand grip), mixed right and left hand, in 3 hours at The Pole Sport & Gymnastics Academy in Medolla (Mod), Italy. Rules state that each pull up be preceded by a dead hang with a fully extended elbow and the chin must pass the bar before returning.

Gavioli Tazio, "Il Biondo", Tazio
and was achieved during a TV SHOE in MAINZ GERMANY on 6th of MAY 2023 during the rehearsals.

Gaw, Chris
Open Water Lake Swim
Gaya, Adriana Aparicio
Vanilla Bean
Gayter, Sharon
Running Across Ireland
Gear, Mark
Medicine Ball
Gehl, Zachary
Gehlot, Kapil
Car Pulling with Beard on Roller Skates
Geigle, David
Georgia, Lenovo
Most Self Photographs (Selfies) Relay
Gerakan, Pramuka
Gerlach, Nicole
Human Blockhead
Gertner, Paul
Longest Ongoing Annual Magic Show
Gerwing, Martin
Largest Collection of Entry Tickets
Ghadhi, Dr Sharad and Bharat
Sign Language Facial Gesture
Ghandi, Sharad and Bharat
Most Numbers of Degrees
Gilbert-Anderson, Gary
Gilchrest , Adam
Gilette, Mike
Arrow Breaking
Gill, Zafar
Ear Lifting
Gillot, Graham
Guitar / Somersaults
Gittings, Carole
Duckpin Bowling
Glass, Caleb
Paper Football Flipping
Gliniecki, Al
Cherry Stem Tying
Glowka, Julie
Concentration Playing
Gnapika, Chityala
24 hours Non Stop Painting on Leaves.
Godsey, Brian
Running (Backward)
Godward, John
Human Soft Toy Chain
Goel, Kim
Eye Protrusion
Goel, Piyush
Most Air Miles Travelled
Golio, Paul
Gomes de Oliveira, Daniel
Man-Made Beach
Gonzalez, Senen
The Largest Spanish Omelette (Tortilla de Patata)
Gooch, Mick
Finger Press ups
Gordon, Rob
Gough, Tony
Grape Catching
Gould, Natalie
Pom Pom
Gould, Dean
Beermat Catching,Beermat Flipping, Beermat Snatching, Beer Glass Catching, Brick Flipping, CD Disc Flipping, CD Disc Snatching, Clouths Pins, Coin Flicking, Coin Snatching, Darts, Domino Snatching, Eating, Egg Holding, Jenga Block Catching, Memory, Onions, Pancake Tossing, Potatoe Catching, Soccer Ball, Stamp Licking, Tennis, Winkle Picking
Gould, Nathan
Gould, Amy
Paper Cutting
Gould, Adam
Beermat Snatching
Government of, Depok City Indonesia
6485 people from different background participating in tuberculosis handling workshop in Depok City, Indonesia
Gowda, Dr Doddarange
Highest Number of Odes in any Language
Gowda, A Gagandeep
Forward Limbu Skating
Gozali, Godwin Owen
Noodle Eating
Grabs, Andre
Apnea/Swimming: Under Water: Open Water:
One Breath: Without Fins: 135 meters. Andre Grabs. October 3, 2020, Lake Moosweiher, Freiburg-Landwasser, Germany.
Grant, Dalton
High Jump
Grassette, Scot
Santa Letter
Grayson, Taylor
Griffith, Rommel
Grizzard, D.
Duckpin Bowling
Grohs, P.
Duckpin Bowling
Grosskopf, Yalim
Grosso, Vinny
Glass Walking
Grover, Nitin
Grube, Johnny
Para Jumps, Step Ups, Plank (Push Ups)
Guglietti, F.
Duckpin Bowling
Gunadi, Dade
Jipeng Dance
Gupta, Sachin
Microsoft Excel
Guragai, Thaneswar
Basketball Spinning